Andrea Rontini Fotografo

Workshop Fotografici

La Toscana è una terra meravigliosa e ricca di percorsi fotografici e scatti unici, partecipa ai miei workshop nel Chianti e in Val d'Orcia, non perderti un'incredibile esperienza nella Toscana più Poetica!

Toscana Poetica

Tuscany is a land of poets and travelers, Toscana Poetica is my way of seeing and interpreting the land where I was born and where I grew up, for me it is a series of emotions and colors, from the Val d’Orcia to the tortuous models in clay to the soft hills of the Chianti region. Toscana Poetica is a dreamy trip from the foggy winter dawns of the Tuscan countryside to the enchanting land of the Chianti Classico.

Toscana Poetica is definitely a journey in this region, a parte of the world rich in history and traditions, but also an adventure in search of ourselves, in full harmony with a territory that is the essence of a unique experience in the world.

Toscana Poetica